
Monday, January 30, 2012

March for Babies

March of Dimes is something near and dear to my heart. I have some wonderful friends who have two of the most beautiful little miracle girls.

I would love for you to show your Support for Abby, Addy, and the rest of the Overstreet Family by going to this link:
 Make a tiny donation. I want to raise $500 and I will do most of it myself, but every little bit helps. $2, $10, $20. Whatever you can manage I will be so thankful for, and so will you. Everyone knows someone who is the Mother, Father, Sister, Brother, or Grandparent of a premature baby. Spread the word, and Join the March.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why Everyone Needs A Stylist

Before coming to work for bebe, I always had a passion for fashion. I spent time working in retail as a manager of a shoe store. I worked the wedding circuit for a few years, spent a little time in Jewelry. I have always been a makeup and shoe whore. Until I started with bebe I thought I shopped on my own just fine. I always put my looks together from head to toe completely on my own. It didn't dawn on me until about 2 months into my job at bebe how little I knew about my personal style. I didn't have a style. I wore a little bit of everything and that was okay with me.
Over the past two years I have grown a lot as a fashionable adult. I have worn things out of my comfort zone and I have liked it. You would have never seen me in a white lace skirt, cowboy boots, or an oversized sweater. (All for their own random reasons in my little head) Now I wear all three together whenever the mood strikes me and I LIKE it.
Anyone who has never had a personal stylist, I challenge you to try it. Someone to put you in things that might be outside your comfort zone. Someone who has spent hours upon hours looking at clothing. They know what will fit your body type, go with your skin coloring, and be appropriate for whatever occasion you might be looking for. Get rid of fitting room frustration, by having someone by your side to fetch your sizes, accessorize your looks, and show you how versatile your pieces can be.
Take this shirt for example: Totally simple, comfortable, easy to wear.
Probably you would figure out to wear this top with jeans on your own, probably figure out that you could wear it with leggings and little booties. You would put a chunky necklace with it yourself but what about outside the box?

But would you pair it with this?
BCBG Max Azria
This skirt will look fabulous with this top. Tuck in the blouse to this high waisted pop of color. You can add a belt to define your waist, and all of a sudden you have a gorgeous date night outfit. You look put together, and like you know exactly what you are doing in the closet ;) Also, as a redhead I would never wear a red top. (some rules I just can't get over) But I would rock this bandage skirt in a heartbeat.

Would you have also paired it with these shorts?

I love these, obviously minus the belt and granny shoes. Put the blouse on with these shorts, a cut out bootie or strappy black sandal, and then you have a great outfit for dinner with friends, or a day of shopping. Wear the top off the shoulder, gently tucked into the front of the shorts, and a strappy leather bracelet and you have a last minute outfit you can wear for just about anything!

Does your wardrobe consist of a bunch of tops that you feel you can only wear with one or two other items in your closet? A skirt you only wear with a certain jacket. Shoes for only one dress. That's what stylists are here for. Don't be afraid. Bring the clothes you already own to bebe at Bridgestreet, and I can find you 10 other things to wear it with. :) PROMISE. Except your hammer pants. None of that.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pregnant Women I Admire

As most of you who are my friends know, I have always been on the fence about having children. I'm not sure if it is for me. I know I have great motherly instincts, I love babies, but it is something about giving up my youthful freedoms and let's face it... my youthful body. I like the fact that Joe and I can run off and do anything we want, whenever we want, and the only people we have to answer to are our employers. It's refreshing. While everyone that we went to high school with has 1-3 children and need a sitter to go out of town we have the option to do anything at whim. It's romantic, and I love it. That's why you guys have heard me go on and on about my 5 year plan. I want to be married by 25 to have a baby if I so choose by 30. Mainly for the health of my child, because children born to parents who have been married for a significant amount of time grow up in a more stable household. The parents have taken care of most of their relationship issues by then and can focus on being better parents. Also children born to younger mothers are healthier, so while I want to take my time, I don't want to be 35 or 40 and having children. (no offense to older mothers, but you were obviously warned of the risks if you chose to get pregnant)

That being said I can say that if I do have children there are a list of women on my pregnancy role model list. Yes. I have a list. Everyone who plans on having children should have a pregnancy or parental role model. It gives you something to work towards. So here is my list, and why they are on my list.

1. Rachel Zoe
We all know by now that I worship all things Rachel Zoe. She is my all time pregnant role model, as well as role model in general. I just lucked out that she finally got pregnant and led a fabulously successful pregnant life so that I could put her on this little list! She launched a line while pregnant for goodness sake. ENVY. Not only that her full term bump was less than what I look like when I eat a big dinner. I have delicate bone structure... I can dream. Since then she has turned her little boy into a empire, designing baby clothes. Little Skyler is someone to be jealous of too. Before his first birthday he's already been to Paris Fashion Week. (hate him) and has an 80,000+ nursery. But enough about lucky little Skyler. I admire Rachel for keeping her fabulous style while pregnant, I plan on being 8 months pregnant and in 6 inch heels and (faux) fur. Oh. and vintage Chanel... Because "Chanel is everything."

2.Victoria Beckham
Victoria Beckham is a pregnancy pro. Mom to three boys and now a beautiful little girl, she got more graceful with every baby. Her pregnancy with Harper (who's name I love, and will probably fight Joe if we have a little girl to name her Harper) was just totally beautiful. Not only did I admire her body and style while she was pregnant... did you see that wardrobe... but I admired her and David's passion for each other. I love that David thought his wife was the most beautiful woman in the world while she was pregnant. (probably because she was) She also wore her own designs all through her pregnancy. She rocked little black dresses, skinny jeans, and leather all throughout her pregnancy, which happen to be my everyday staples too. Let's just hope if I ever get pregnant my legs stay small enough to FIT in skinny jeans. 

3. Alessandra Ambrosio
The reason I wrote this blog in the first place. Most of you in the fashion world have already seen the article about Alessandra modeling for Colcci over the weekend. Miss Ambrosio was strutting the runway proudly displaying her baby bump and she looked fabulous. This is her second baby, and the most shocking part of it all is she was pregnant while filming the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show. I'm sorry. Anyone who can walk onstage in nothing but a bra and some panties pregnant and no one even can tell... You get my vote for pregnant woman of the year. Obviously she is showing a lot more nowdays, but she looks absolutely beautiful on the runway once again. This is one mommy who isn't letting her career fall to the wayside over a little baby bump. She is confident in herself and her body, and that is what sexy really is.

With that being said of course there are everyday people who we all aspire to be like, celebrities are just the references that I can make that we can all understand and relate to. But if I had to pick a future pregnancy role model I'm pretty sure it will be Dawn Cassizzi. :) All this baby talk makes me think about what my future pregnancy style might be. I'm pretty sure it will be some pretty fabulous Rachel Zoe inspired outfits... If Rachel Zoe only wore bebe everyday....

Monday, January 23, 2012

What I am Thinking While at Your Wedding....

Saturday, Joe and I went to WZYP's Bridal Fair that they put on twice a year. Joe had to go for work, so naturally I volunteered to be in the Fashion Show. I also knew this was going to be the perfect time to torture Joe with all things wedding. Which makes me chuckle on the inside because he gets SO uncomfortable. :) While walking around it brought me back to my lovely wedding consulting days, and reminded me of everything I hate in weddings. Working in the industry I have heard it all. So here are a few of my little (personal) pet peeves. Don't take it personally if this is your taste, or if your wedding was like this, I just wanted to entertain everyone with my very opinionated views of weddings.

Red Bridesmaid Dresses:
Totally acceptable... if done tastefully. NEVER acceptable if it's just because you are an Alabama fan.... Don't shove yourself in that Alabama redneck wedding stereotype.... For goodness sake. Second of all. Houndstooth is not a color. So when I used to ask brides their wedding colors they would always say Crimson and Houndstooth. I would just look at them blankly for about 20 seconds before repeating their answer like I had just been struck by lightning. OH. you mean red, black, and white.
If you dress your bridesmaids in crimson with houndstooth shoes, and have a football themed wedding cake, and play the fight song during your wedding.... you deserve at least one guest to dress like this....

And don't even think about putting a red sash on your wedding dress too.... please.

Cupcake Cake-
Stop it. Leave the cupcakes at your toddlers birthday party! If you want a cheaper approach to a wedding cake, talk to your caterer about doing a few fake layers, one layer to cut into, and then provide a sheet cake in the back. Guests won't know the difference once the cake is taken away for cutting. PLEASE stop trying to make cupcake towers into a wedding fixture. 

Ballet Flats or Flip Flops on ANYONE
I don't want to see them on you... I don't want to see them on bridesmaids. Nothing kills the elegance of a beautiful dress like flip flops. Would you wear flip flops to church? (I hope not) Then don't wear flip flops to a wedding. And the little ballet flats that look like your grandmothers house shoes aren't any better. Suck it up. Put on a real shoe. It's a wedding, if you really can't handle a heel try a very small one, or a *cringe* wedge. At least then it looks like you tried to put your outfit together.

M&Ms as Favors
They were cute when they first came out. I'm so tired of your personalized M&Ms because you couldn't think of anything else.... There is so much else out there in the world of favors. OR just don't give one at all. But personally I don't want to be popping anything in my mouth with you and your new spouses name on it. If you want something personal, make it about you. Not just something with your name printed on it. I don't want your monogrammed Koozies, Candy, or anything else for that matter. I want something that makes me fondly remember your big day! Even if it's just a donation to a charity that you are both passionate about, at least it's personal!
Don't subject me to your drunk aunt singing "I Will Survive". Enough Said.

Dogs in the Wedding Party
Your dogs may be cute, to you. But not everyone wants your pooch at the wedding. There is hair, stench, and bathroom things to think about. Not to mention no one really wants the responsibility of puppy sitting during your big day. I don't care about a puppy ring bearer, and odds are neither will your guests. I don't care if he is in a doggy tuxedo.

There are SO many others that I could go on and on.... but here are a few. Like I said. No offense intended if you want to have or have had these in your wedding. But I am probably cringing on the inside :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Why the Golden Globes Will Change Your Closet

Yesterday my wonderful boyfriend got me really fired up about The Golden Globes. While I admit, I can't sit through the entire awards show, or any other one for that matter, I am always transfixed by the red carpet. So are 90% of other women in America. Most of you know that Joe is on a morning radio show here in Huntsville. So on the show and on his Facebook page he posed this question.
I never have understood why women care so much about what celebs wear to award's not like your going to go buy some celeb's $10,000 gown to wear out to Rosie's this Friday night for date night, so what's the big deal???
Of course this fired me up enough to quote some Rachel Zoe and give about a full page analysis on why awards season fashion is important to everyone. But this also led me to believe maybe there are other people out there in the world who don't understand why either. This is for you. Or if you do understand, then maybe  you picked up on trending that I didn't and vice versa. 
If you want to see the non politically correct version of our conversation, (including a little name calling) click on the link above to his Facebook page. annndddd.... while you are clicking anything I tell you to at the moment..... here is his fan page. :)
Back to fashion. My argument to Joe, and any person who agreed with his statement about wearing gowns to date night, was this:
Obviously you aren't going to wear Marchesa to the movies, however Spring fashion is greatly influenced by awards season. Mainstream designers and lines that most people purchase their clothes from look to not only Fashion Week, Spring RTW, and Couture lines from designers, but to the red carpet so they can see what trends are actually going to stick through the spring season. Still don't believe that Charlize Theron's Dior dress matters to what you are going to have hanging in YOUR closet in the next 2 months? While I have time I just will show you a few ways that Red Carpet fashion will impact your spring wardrobe.

Zooey Deshanel
At first glance I know what you are thinking.... How in the world does that crazy Prada dress influence my closet? It's green.... and kinda fuzzy... and just... NOT practical to wear to lunch. Never fear! There is a lesson to be learned. First of all, this limeade color is going to be everywhere this season. Don't worry, you don't have to go crazy and buy a lime green pair of pants. (Although they will be making them.... trust me) Zooey's dress teaches us that any neutral can be made interesting with a lime green pop of color. Face it. Without the green splash in this dress there would be nothing to set it apart from any other black dress on the red carpet. STILL don't believe me? Look at some of the pre-spring fashions that are already out, that will remind Zooey of her red carpet look.
bebe - $119

Angelina Jolie

Take Angelina Jolie's Versace dress. What you take away from that is that color blocking is going to be big this spring, so are structured elements, and anything neutral with a pop of color. While she went with red, if you replaced the red on her dress with a hot coral color she would be right on trend for Spring 2012. 
Tibi $450

Gucci $1990

Charlize Theron
Everything this year will be nude, nude, nude. Maybe with a little blush and cream thrown in. Charlize's dress is right on point with everything bridal fashion this year. So, for you ladies getting married this year, red carpet fashion is for you too. From Jessica Beil's Elie Saab dress, to this beautiful Dior creation, the red carpet is always full of bridal inspiration. Brides this year are looking to make a statement. Plunging neck lines, high slits or hems, oversized bows or ruffles, and interesting hues and patterns will be in every wedding magazine from here to kingdom come.
J. Mendel

I could do this all day long! Unfortunately I have other things to get done on my day off then sit here and blog. Bummer. But if there are any other Golden Globe looks you love and want a way to incorporate them into your everyday life, just click the button to email me, comment below, or come visit me at bebe at Bridgestreet.... Just not today. I'm not there. :)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Chick Flicks for Your Man

As girls it is in our DNA to love a good chick flick. I used to swear I didn't care for girly movies for a few years, but sometimes you just need a little romantic comedy in your life. You tend to tone down the sappy love movies when you get in a relationship. Let's face it, your man does not want to stay home and watch Fried Green Tomatoes or The Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood. Never fear! There is some common ground. Plan a movie night with one of these movies, wine for you, beer for him, a fabulous dessert, and he will be just as enthralled as you are. Then you can gush with your girlfriends about how your amazing man took you to see that new Channing Tatum love story without being tricked into thinking it was G.I. Joe 3.

Black Swan
They call it a sexy for a reason. This isn't just another ballet movie. This intense psychological thriller has everything a man could want. A captivating plot line, beautiful characters, and a dark scary element. Oh yeah.... and Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman have a lesbian sex scene. He will be raving for days, and telling all his buddies they HAVE to see it.

No Strings Attached
Other than the obvious, Natalie Portman half naked again, this movie was enjoyable for both men and women. Men have always been drawn to the idea of casual emotionless sex, and this movie gives it to them. So many great quoteable lines, which you know your man will incorporate into his everyday life. "you can't fight me, you fight like a hamster" will come out of his mouth at some point in the week after you watch it. In the end, women get what they all want, a commitment.

Friends with Benefits
The sexier version of No Strings Attached. Lord knows in the looks department that Mila Kunis and JT beat out Ashton and Natalie any day. Plus, FwB's gay best friend is 10 times better, Woody Harrelson gets 2 thumbs up for his HILARIOUS role in this movie. Your man gets to see a lot more nakedness, the characters are a little more blunt and witty, and JT will have Kris Kross stuck in your head for days. In return, you get 1.5 hours of Justin Timberlake amazingness.

Valentine's Day
Writer for Louisville Magazine Josh Moss says it best when trying to describe the plot for this movie:   

Julia Roberts' niece is dating a guy who plays guitar in the nude, who is friends with the wolf from "Twilight," who dates Taylor Swift, who stands in an elevator with a giant teddy bear and Jennifer Garner, who has a thing for one of the "Grey's Anatomy" doctors, who buys flowers from Ashton Kutcher, who proposes to Jessica Alba and is best friends with George Lopez, who gets in a fender-bender with another "Grey's Anatomy" doctor, who's the Brett Favre-like client of publicist Jessica Biel, who might have a thing for Kathy Bates' employee Jamie Foxx, who is a TV reporter who wants to interview the Favre-like client of Biel and sport's agent Queen Latifah, who bosses around employee/"phone-sex performer" Anne Hathaway, who dates Hoosier Topher Grace, who meets Shirley MacLaine's husband.


Also, Julia Roberts sits on an airplane next to the guy with great hair from "The Hangover."
Men like this movie for the comedy, and the ADHD plot line. Trust me.

New Year's Eve
Critics may have ripped this movie apart, but if you got your man to watch Valentine's Day, then he will watch this one too. Half of the V Day cast returns, along with some new eye candy, in the same ADHD plot line with a different holiday. Sadly, it's witty, enthralling, and you and your man might both shed a few tears. Michelle Pfeiffer is absolutely unrecognizable in this movie. Amazing actress.
Oh... and Zac Efron. He's hot.

Ghosts of Girlfriends Past
Matthew McConaughey is every mans dream in this movie. He plays this middle aged playboy who seemingly sleeps with every hot woman in the entire city. Every man wants to grow up to be his character. He also has the same relationship beliefs that any single man has, and some of those in a relationship STILL have. If your relationship is on rocky grounds, don't watch this movie. You will want to do more than slap your man when he is cheering on McConaughey's philandering. Luckily for Joe.... he just got slapped. Eventually he falls into the role of every man in a romantic comedy, sees the light, and settles down with the woman of his dreams. The men will love it and so will you, even if he's sleeping on the couch afterwards.

The Ugly Truth
This movie is full of everything a man wants you to know about dating. He will agree with Gerard Butler, while you agree with Katherine Heigl. It is the typical plot of feminist woman against chauvinistic man. Men will love Butler's one liners, typical male psychology, and beautiful women. Most men (with the exception of mine) find Heigl sexy and will love her quirky attitude. That said, it really is a guys version of a romantic comedy.  It shows the difference between what men and women want in a mate. Men want the librarian stripper who dresses sexy, laughs at all his jokes, and never criticizes him; while women want a sensitive, mature, successful partner. In the end the message is that women should play to the male fantasy and leave men to be themselves, which your man will wholeheartedly agree with. Just like Ghosts of Girlfriends past.... be ready to slap him while he is having such a great time loving the movie!

The Proposal
While this has typical romantic comedy written all over it, your man will sit through it for a few reasons. His man crush on Ryan Reynolds, Betty White is flipping hilarious, all men wish they had a sexy dominating female boss to sleep with, and all men find Sandra Bullock sexy.... no matter how old she is. So while you enjoy the romance  in this movie, your man will be laughing and enjoying the scenery. He won't mind one little bit.

How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
The epitome of Battle of the Sexes comedy. Few people are funnier than Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey, so when you put them together you are bound to get laughs. Men will sympathize with McConaughey because Kate Hudson does all the things that we do to drive them crazy. It has both laugh out loud and stunned silence humor. Be prepared for your man to look at you with that "OMG you totally do that" look at least once in this movie. Hudson's over the top crazy will keep him laughing through the whole movie, and her looks will keep his eyes glued to the screen.

Definitely, Maybe
This movie is How I Met Your Mother, just in a condensed 2 hour version. What man doesn't like HIMYM? Guys will be so enthralled with figuring out who the mother is in this movie that time will fly by. Be prepared for him to figure out the mom at least 3 times in this movie. This means you will have to rewind it at least 3 times to not miss key plot points while he explains why he is so obviously right this time. His thought process will be entertaining however, so make sure you just pause the movie and chuckle while he gets so into a 'chick flick'. While his brain is working 100mph, you can enjoy Ryan Reynolds with only a few interruptions. Afterwords you can get in another laugh while your man discusses why the mom should have been so and so instead.

So rent one of these movies, cuddle up under a blanket, and soon your man will be letting you pick the movies just so he can watch some love stories and blame it on "my girlfriend made me watch it".
You're Welcome.


Day 1.
Yes... I'm posting before pictures... on the internet. *cringe*
But I wanted you to get the full effects.
Unedited. yeah. GULP

Time to go! Update after my first insanity workout!

Not going to lie. 15 minutes in. I almost threw up. ALMOST. But that means I can keep going.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

So. What. If.

"'What' and ‘if’ two words as nonthreatening
as words come. But put
them together side-by-side and they
have the power to haunt you for the
rest of your life: ‘What if?'..."

-Letters to Juliet

Sitting the other day watching this movie with my best friend, and the letter that the main character writes to Claire really hit home. (if you haven't seen the movie, rent it. NOW) It made me think about, WHAT IF. Anyone who knows me, knows that in the love department I have endured a lot of tragedy to get to a place of peace. Starting off with my high school relationship which was always just short of enough. I wasn't happy enough, satisfied enough, or perfect enough to make it last. Bless his heart for putting me out of my misery since I was too stubborn and too worried about having a perfect life to end it all myself.

From that break up I became a mess. A home became just a house I didn't want to see anymore. I lost friends, had a hard time with my family, and lost myself along the way. Then came the joy and heartache of trying to find myself. I ended up filling the void in my heart with all the wrong people. The bad boys, the stupid boys, and then the boys that should have stayed just my best friends. I had fun, I made mistakes, and I learned there is much more to life than being a sweet little housewife. I found my style, my drive, and my ambition all over again.

Then came a series of events that blew my world away. I lost someone I loved so dearly in such a tragic way it still doesn't feel real to me. I still expect to see him one day. Walking down the path in the park we used to play in, sitting on the curb of the parking lot we used to talk for hours on. He still feels real. After that I submerged myself into party upon party, flirtatious relationship after flirtatious relationship, but the hole remained the same.

Then I met someone. He was kind, and fun, and made me want to stay home and watch movies more than go out and act crazy. He was like this magnetic force for me. Brought me back to earth, life, and reality. I spent about 6 months getting to know him and his friends and family, but something was off. The whole time he swore he didn't want to settle down, didn't want a relationship. Here I was, the girl scared to ask. He made me happy, what if asking him to commit drove him away. What if he LEFT me too. We were always together, we both knew we were the only ones in each others lives. We just wouldn't say it. Looking back I don't understand why. We were happy, and functional, and never really fought. Most people would have thought we were perfect for each other. My friends loved him, I adored his family, everything should have been just fine.

We were happy, he was good to me, made me feel beautiful again, made me want to work on myself and my life. Because of him I changed. Needless to say about 2 and a half years ago all of that changed because I met Joe. Talk about a whirlwind. For the first few months I tried to handle both. I told myself that if he wouldn't commit to me I didn't owe him an explanation for dating Joe. I would go out with Joe on a Friday and stay home with him on Saturday. I thought I was living the life. 

All that changed when I realized one night that I was falling for Joe, that I didn't call the other guy as much, he was the one always calling me. I was making excuses. He knew I was dating someone else. He didn't want to be in a relationship with me remember? So that makes it all just fine in my head. I finally stop talking to him all together about 2 months into my relationship with Joe. One night, Joe and I have about the only fight we have ever had in our relationship. February I think. I need to get away. I call up some old girlfriends, and we are going out. In a moment of weakness I call him too. He always knew what to say, how to make me feel good.  We had a blast, drank a little too much, and went back to my house. 

I know what you are thinking... nothing happened. I actually ended up crying my eyes out  in his lap because I knew that no matter how good he was to me I wasn't going to ever be with him again. I was fighting with Joe, but that didn't change the fact that I loved Joe, we may not have said it for another 2 years, but I did. I knew I did.  He was perfect. He let me cry about it, didn't get angry with me. (or if he did he didn't say so)  We didn't talk about it again. In fact other than a little "hey how are you" we didn't talk for months. No fighting, no big break up, we just knew it was over.

I had the same problems with Joe, everyone knows that he didn't want to commit, didn't want to be in a relationship. It was frustrating to say the least. One day at my weakest point I told the other guy how I didn't understand how no one wanted to TRULY be with me. I heard the words I wanted to hear, "I should have when I had the chance" For 5 seconds I thought... What if....

Of course I didn't say anything, didn't change my mind. I just remembered thinking What If last time and not acting on it. He made me realize that I needed to stand up for what I wanted. I eventually stood up to Joe one too many times and he finally came around and realized that I wasn't going anywhere. I had the commitment I longed for.

I'm happy, I have a wonderful life, and I am lucky to live the life that I live. I have moved on from him, but the other day I noticed a picture of him, with this pretty girl. She looks like she's wonderful. Has great values, naturally beautiful, and a girl I'm sure his whole family loves. He's "In a Relationship" with her. For a second you feel a little shock, a little bit of pain, and a little insecurity. But those 2 words didn't pop into my head. I didn't think What If... I thought SO what, if. So what, if he committed to her and not me. Yes, it stings, but it doesn't devalue our feelings, it doesn't cheapen our friendship. So what, if he finally grew up and it wasn't with me. I'm happy for him, I wish him all the best things in the whole world. He was there for me when no one else really cared. So what, if he found someone again. 3 years later, he deserves it. So what. Doesn't mean it doesn't sting a little. But so what. If it was my place to be beside him, I wouldn't be beside the wonderful amazing man that I am beside today. 

There are a million "What Ifs" in life, but if you dwell on the what if and not the what is, you will never be truly happy. "What if" is definitely not better than what is. The world doesn't revolve around if. So turn your what ifs into what is. If it's important, fight for it. If it isn't, then there is obviously something better in store for you down the road.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Yes, You Can.

Thursday, January 12th bebe will be hosting the kick off to a 4 day shopping experience. We have partnered with TV's Extra, along with In Touch and Life & Style magazines to bring you the best of 2012 Fashion. Come join us at our kick off party celebrating BEBESPORT, and jump start your New Year's Resolution with fashionable new workout attire. We will be offering $25 off a purchase of $150 or more and $50 off a purchase of $250 or more regular price merchandise to all clubbebe members. You aren't a clubbebe member? Stop by the store and sign up today! It's FREE!

Sidebar: I LOVE LOVE LOVE my BEBESPORT. I feel like the best motivation to go workout is a cute outfit to do it in. Lacking some steam in the gym, swing by the store and I will help you out. Nothing like a cute pair of butt hugging workout pants to make you feel like a new woman! 

Monday, January 2, 2012


re·solve  (r-zlv)
1. To make a firm decision about.

It's a new year :) 2012. Didn't you think we would be flying around like the Jetsons by now?

Well we aren't flying around in little space ships, but life has come a long long way even in the last 23 years that I have been alive. This year I plan on coming a long way myself. Those that know me personally know that my favorite thing to do is to bite off more than I can chew, everyday. But somehow I make it happen and get through each day a little bit stronger.  This year I have a huge list of things I resolve to get done. These I would like to share with you.
1. I resolve to go to church every Sunday. The main reason I hate working on Sunday is I feel like I already have such a long day that the extra 3 hours it takes for getting ready and going to church makes my day impossibly long. But I know if I take that time that God will find the energy to give me to make it through my work day too.
2. I resolve to eat out less. I have such a hectic schedule it's easy to get lost in it and go "let's just go get dinner. I'm tired" I resolve to cook dinner more. Save more money and eat healthier. It's a win win situation. Plus I love the bonding feeling I get when Joe and I can cook together and enjoy what we made.
3. I resolve to get organized. I keep a fairly clean house. Most of the time the floor is vacuumed, the kitchen is clean, everything is bleached to an inch of it's life. But I also know that I keep things I don't need, and get irritated with the clutter in the house. So over the next 52 weeks Joe and I will be getting organized. We are using this website, and I recommend it to all of you. Sign up. Take the challenge.
4. I resolve to become financially stable. Making plans to complete the Dave Ramsey Program sometime this year and stick to it.
5. I resolve to become a certified personal trainer. I will complete this before the middle of the year. It will take a lot of work and studying, but it will get me where I want to be in my life and open the doors career-wise that I have been waiting on.
6. I resolve to get in shape. Everyone resolves to lose 15 lbs on New Years. I don't care about the number on the scale. I care about the amount of fat and muscle I have on my body. I will work hard, and I will be in amazing shape by my Personal Training workshop.