
Sunday, July 1, 2012


As some of you know I am a speed reader, anyone who has ever been in the room while I was reading a book has probably noticed or commented on how fast I can finish a novel. Lately my life feels a lot like one of those books. It feels like I'm speeding through it. In less than a year I have gone from Birmingham, to Huntsville, lived in 3 different places, met so many new friends, said goodbye to some old ones, gone from being in a long term relationship to being single for the longest I have been in years, learned my likes and dislikes, had so many adventures. Today closed another chapter. It's so weird to me to think that I will no longer be at bebe at Bridgestreet. Most of you know my job is one of the most important things in my life, so for me to go from the Summit to Bridgestreet was very hard on me. It was a huge work in progress, and thanks to my Partner in Crime Ashleigh, we turned that store into a raging, amazing, success. I have not been more proud of any accomplishment in my life except for raising my little sister. We poured blood, sweat, and tears into every single day, and we made it. Now it's time for us to move on, and try our lives in a new city. As we locked up the store today it was bittersweet. I felt like a chapter in my life closed, that feel good chapter... A chapter of success. The chapter you don't want to finish, but you know that the next chapter just has to be filled with something even greater. I would like to thank Ashleigh for all the success I have had these last 9 months, without her, I would have been drowning in the work that was put before me here in Huntsville. I can't wait to see how successful we both will be with our new endeavors, and hopefully bebe life brings us right back together again. I leave Huntsville and take to Atlanta a bright new outlook on life and an excitement like no other. Maybe I will learn there how to pace myself and not speed through the next chapter of my life like the last.

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