
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Bandwagon Blogger... SURPRISE

I guess it's time for me to get back on the old bandwagon. Time to blog regularly. I'm going to pledge to take time out of my crazy life to blog from now on! Pinky Swear. Why now? you might ask. Well for those of you who don't know. I have some really crazy news.
I'm running away from home.
Well.. kinda. I'm moving away less than 2 weeks from today. Life throws you curve balls, and lord knows I have had more than my fair share in the last few months. Gotten out of a long term relationship that just wasn't working out, been trampled on by a "best friend", gained a new one, met so many new amazing people in the last few months I can't even count. But now is the time to move on. God works in mysterious ways, and he just worked it out perfect for me to take a job in Atlanta.
No worries... I'm still your go to bebe girl. Promise Promise. I don't think that will ever change. maybe I'm a lifer. In two weeks you just might have to travel a little farther for my fashion advice or take it over the phone. I plan on using my blog to not only update my wonderful friends and family about my crazy adventures taking over Atlanta, but also my clients, because we allll know you still need your bebe fix.
But for the next few days I'm going to enjoy time with all of my wonderful friends and family, and I encourage you to do the same. The people who care about you and love you are what are most important. Cherish that. I know I will be soaking up the next two weeks here in Huntsville like a sponge. My goal is to laugh and cry more in the next 2 weeks than I have in the last two years, and thank you to everyone of you who helps me make that goal.

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