
Thursday, October 27, 2011


I'm off work for 5 whole days... That hasn't happened to me in I don't even know how long! So blogging for the next few days is going to be all about pampering myself, good home cooking, and Halloween!!! Recap on the last few days. Sick as a dog! 103 fever, up all night, coughing, stuffy, sore throat, and I lived at work. Nothing fun! Joe and I did get a chance to cook chili from scratch which is a nice throwback experience. I remember the long process of cooking dried beans with my mom, and we did it! It is so yummy I must add. We made enough so that we had lots of left overs, and I froze some to save for a easy meal down the road. It tasted great with my homemade corn muffins. My mom also made us homemade bread, tastes like honey wheat! Joe loves it, I love it, and little Katy loves it! Pasta tonight!

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